D.I.Y Scrunchie

Hi there, hope you're all okay !

So this is the first time I've done anything like this since Year 11 textiles!
I saw this little do-it-yaself the other day in a magazine and thought I would have a little go and share with you guys just how easy it is and a fun little thing to make for the creative people out there.

So here goes nothing!

For this you are going to need ;

  • Material of your choice (make sure it's 1m long for a large scrunchie)
  • Elastic (15cm per scrunchie)
  • Needle
  • Thread (choose a similar colour to the material)
  • Safety Pin
  • Tape Measure
  • Scissors

Step 1 :  
For the large scrunchie which I've made, cut your fabric of choice 20cm wide and 95cm long.
If you're wanting to make a smaller scrunchie I tried it out with 10cm wide and 40cm long which works pretty well.

Step 2 :
Once you have cut your prefered size of fabic fold it in half inside out, lengthways.
Sew along the seam (the long side) and leave the small ends open.

Step 3 :
Turn the tube the right way round, this is a little fidely but you can be a little rough with it aslong as you have sewn the seam pretty srong, if not just be a little gentle.
Cut the elastic to about 15cm for a large scrunchie, about 10 for a small one.
Feed the elastic through the material, making sure you keep hold of both ends, put a saftey pin on one end to help it stop from pulling through into the material.
Tie the elastic band into a double knot.

Step 4:
Fold the ends of the fabric which you have left open, over on them selfes to create a neat hem on both sides.
Slide one end of the scrunchie into the other to create a small hem.
The simpily sew together.

And here is the finished product, wear it in a bun, around a doughnut or just in a pony tail. 
Enjoy !

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  1. I wasn't sure when I first saw that scrunchies were making a comeback, but I think they'd actually look so cute around a messy high bun and am converted! This is a great idea to make one yourself, and looks fool proof- I might have to give it a go:) xx

    1. It really is so easy, if I can do it anyone can!



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