
As Good As Nude

Like many people I guess I'm a TOTAL sucker for offers and buy one get one free's etc.
I got this all the way back in February (I just had to check my tags for that - don't judge)

Total impulse buy I will admit.

"Soap & Glory Marvelips!™ Lip Pencil is a double-colour lip crayon that shapes, moisturises, colours, shines and makes your lips look fuller, in an INSTANT"

I think it was that description that got me hooked and running to the till.
The formula for this little handy lip pencil includes Soap and Glory STARSPARKS, MAXI-LIP and good ol' Shea Butter. 

The whole concept of this product is you start with your nude coloured base coat - which reminds me of that colour you always would see the movie stars in the 40's wearing which was the perfect nude. I absolutely love the colour of it, the Shea butter definitely helps I wore it today for work for around 6 hours and my lips didn't dry out at all. Admittedly the colour did fade a little but actually still looked nice. The texture when applying it is creamy but once on your lips is kinda matte, which I normally go for.

On the other end you get a white colour, this is to apply - as normal with these kinda things - to your cupids bow and/or the inside of your bottom lip.
I didn't honestly see that much of an improvement adding this but that might just be me.

This is my new go to nude colour for definite.
Have you tried it?

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