MAC - Archie's Girls

I'm a little late on this post, I've had this lipstick about two weeks now but just haven't seemed to have the time to do a post on it, so you probably already know about the limited edition MAC range of  "Archie's Girls".
Basically if you don't already know this range is based on a comic book with the main character Archie and his two girlfriends;
Betty - the typical blonde, girl-next-door character represented by soft pink shades in the collection.
Veronica - the spoilt rich brunette girl represented by deeper seductive tones. (My personal favourite)

The collection was exclusive to Selfridges for a few weeks first but has now dropped at MAC itself.

Look how cute Selfridges packaging is too !

//MAC - Archie's Girls Veronica// Boyfriend Stealer // £15.50//
As soon as I saw the Veronica part of this collection i instantly fell in love! This side is made up of dark plums reds and navy. 
After much uming and ahing "Boyfriend Stealer" was my final choice, a deep blackened plum in a cremesheen finish.
Now I'm no MAC lipstick virgin but I do seem to have stuck mainly to the matte finish, so I wasn't too sure what to expect with the cremesheen finish but I've seen it described as a creamy, full coloured with added shine so no need for a gloss on top, meaning the wear time is decreased.

After taking a million pictures (due to my bedroom light being the worst thing ever) this picture is pretty close to the actual colour of the lipstick.
On first application I wasn't too sure about it as the colour was a little opaque but once I built up a few coats the colour intensified and it actually looks really nice without being too "goth".
Definitely will be wearing this on future nights out!

Have you got any of the MAC Archie's Girls collection?

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  1. I really want some of the Archie Girls collection but I wouldn't know where to start!
    Megan xxx

    1. I know what you mean, I took ages to decide.
      I've read that the Betty Pearlmatte Face Powder is really good and it has loads of uses!


  2. really pretty colour :) I got two things from the collection so if you want to see more then make sure to keep checking out my blog :)

    I love the packaging so much for this range

    check out my blog; and it would be great if you want to follow each other xx


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