MAC - Studio Fix Fluid


//MAC - Studio Fix Fluid // NC15 //  £20.50 //

I think out of everything in the beauty world MAC Foundation's seem to be the one thing that everyone either loves or hates.
Personally after my first try I love it, but maybe the trick is finding the right one?
After taking a trip to Newcastle (which is my nearest MAC counter, I know right!) I was on the hunt for a new foundation, with my Dior one close to it's end it was time for a change.
I have the type of skin that cant make it's mind up what it wants to do, some days it's perfect, others its as dry as the sahara and then the next it wants to be oily! Overall I have oily/combination skin so ideally I was looking for something oil free and tah-dah here you have it, and oil free foundation.

As always the girl who served me at the MAC counted was as helpful as ever, as soon as I told her what I was looking for she sat me straight down for a colour match, made sure I had everything I needed and sent me on my way a happy girl. At first when I saw the colour I was thinking "that's going to be soooooo pale" but no, it's perfect and left me feeling a little stupid comparing it too the colour of my old foundation.
Now sometimes I've been to a make-up counter, bought a product that looked amazing, got home tried it myself and been like "well that looks shit", but I'm pleased to say I've been using this for about a week now and everytime it looks perfect, easy to apply and build up the coverage plus has a really long wear.
With it being oil free it has a matte finish to it which I really like but I know some might not, and this clever little formula not only is oil free but absorbs and disperses oil from your face. It's a win win situation.
Oh and it has a little bit of SPF 15 too.
One last thing, if you're purchasing this product or a similar foundation product I would suggest getting a pump for it as the product only comes with a lid, you can get one here.

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1 comment:

  1. I love this foundation so much! It was actually the first product I ever tried at MAC, and as someone who finds it so hard to get a good colour match, NC15 was perfect! Good blog girl, keep it up :)


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