Banish The Blemish


I've shown you how to beat the bloat with my Tiny Tea Review, so now it's time to beat those blemishes!

Tackling those pesky spots can be hard, even harder it seems over the Christmas period.
With Christmas party's here there and everywhere, meaning were plastering on make up and maybe getting a little too tipsy to remember to take it all off properly. Ooops ! 
Plus eating your body weight in mince pies and consuming all that alcohol most definitely wont help either.

All that aside, when it comes down to banishing the little buggers its best to keep it simple.
After trying almost everything out there I saw someone mention using this and it being a miracle product, thinking it couldn't be that easy I went and bought some myself.

That product being Cidal. A naturally antibacterial soap containing Citricidal which is a natural grapefruit extract. This soap has a refreshing zingy scent to it and at £1.99 for a pack of two this most certainly wont break the bank. I completely cut out all my other skincare products using just this on a morning, then on a night combining it with the  Camomile Cleansing Butter if I've had a full face of make up on. It can dry your skin out a little so I'd recommend a rich moisturiser for a the night, but make sure it suits your skin type as it could create more oil; potentially meaning more spots.
It's also a good idea to buy a new flannel I use a Muslin Cloth as it's kinder on the skin.

Since I've started using this not only have I noticed a massive difference, people have also being commenting on how good my skin looks.
When they find out what I've being using the comment is usually 'oh I used to use that when I was younger'
Seriously guys why are you keeping this holy grail in skincare a secret?!

Have you used this before, what was your experience like?

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